Master in Engineering Sciences, mention in Mechanics

Magíster en Ciencias de la Ingeniería, Mención en Mecánica


  • Prof. Rubén Fernández
  • +562 29784448 - +562 29784466
  • Beauchef 850, 4° Piso, Santiago, Chile

Grado académico

Master in Engineering Sciences, mention in Mechanics

Área de conocimiento

Ciencias Naturales y Matemáticas Tecnología

Facultad o Instituto

Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas

N° de Decreto



This program was accredited by National Committee on Accreditation


Prof. Rubén Fernández


75 UF (semestral)

The main purpose of this Master program (created in 1990) is to form high level graduates, specialized in Mechanical Engineering Sciences, with a strong disciplinary body of knowledge for undertaking research in this discipline. The character of the program is academic, with a definite compromise in research. The program belongs to the University of Chile, Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (FCFM).

The guiding principles of FCFM are to achieve excellence and academic rigor in individual and collective work, as well as freedom of thought and expression. According to these principles, the program attempts to give students a proven capability to formulate and solve complex problems in a rigorous, reliable and validated way, and to instil in them the habit of critical thinking on important issues of science and technology. The main part in the graduates’ curriculum is the Thesis, in which they obtain specialization and methodological capacity for research on some of the fundamental areas of Mechanical engineering:

• Solid Mechanics,

• Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer,

• Materials,

• Robotics and Manufacture.

The program occupies a prominent position in postgraduate formation in Mechanical Engineering in Chile, in which there are only five active Master programs. It admits students from the Universidad de Chile, from other Chilean universities, as well as international students. Graduates work with important Chilean and international companies. Approximately one third of the graduates has taken Doctoral programs in Europe or the United States and has pursued an academic career.


Students wishing to apply for Master programs offered by the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Chile must have a bachelor or a professional degree in a similar area, granted by a national or international university certifying a solid background in the specific area of the Master program. The Academic Committee of the program will review each application taking into account all the required background.

Applicants have to submit all their educational records at the moment of applying. Some of them are:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Application Form
  • Transcript of records of the previous courses and their programs in case they come from other national or international universities.
  • Bachelor's or professional diploma
  • A letter of intention, and at least two letters of recommendation.